Labels: goals are very important in one's life as it determine achievement
第 二 个 星 期 的 暑 假 就 这 样 结 束 了 。 好 可 惜 。 还 乘 多 一 个 星 期 就 开 学 了 。 超 不 想 回 学 校 。 因 为我 超 不 想 回 去 那 个 超 忙 碌 的 生 活 。 我 超 不 想 每 天 很 早 起, 不 想 放 学 后 去 作 工 。 不 想 每 天 回 到 家 是 天 黑 的 还 是 家 人 都 睡 了 。 还 有 很 多 不 想 的 。
不 管 我 有 多 么 不 想 , 我 一 定 还 要 面 对, 到 不 如 往 好 的 方 面 去 想 。从 不 想 到 想 , 想 , 想。
last week is a super busy and eventful week. got the my hope cum Christmas gathering follow by last day of CCIS, then Christmas day, CCIS thanksgiving and fish4men thanksgiving. not only that, there is 2days that i have to g o back school for cca and do some project stuff.
even thought is so pack, i still manage to find time to enjoy my holiday! went to k with secondary school cca teacher, senior and N. i was late for the singing session. when i reach i was like "wow" so many food! and I'm really hungry. they order kfc and pizza hut. plus chips. i think i spend most of my time eating. LOL.
i manage to go out with Michelle and terry! ytd after church we actually decided to go bowling. but nobody seems to be very on. so only 3 of us go. end up we played pool due to budget and waiting time. hahax. and yes, i learnt something new. i never tried pool before. was so glad to learn. i cant stop laughing at my stupid moves. but thank God, terry and Michelle are very patience with me and very encouraging.
went for dinner at kfc due to budget plus i got 25% discount. after that we went to the roof top of esplanade, listen to the performance, talk, see terry dance (hahax) and more talking! reach home was really quite late. but was great, have a good time bonding with them:D
last day of CCIS is really crazy. cos we are at ps. and ps got alot of us, the red t shirt. so many that we tot we wont be able to share to anyone. but is more easier then i tot. shared to 5pple!
dat day was raining and dizzying. Marilyn, nandy,pc and i went abit crazy and high. we sang silent night and joy to the world on the streets like a choir. LOL. Marilyn really went abit crazy keep shouting to me "merry Christmas!"
was really a great week, got to know so many new friends! alot of bonding and fun! but this week is a week that pack with work work and work! but i really looking forward to watch night and thanksgiving service! will there be water baptism? i really love to see. hahax.
Labels: christmas

the greatest free gift! eternal life! is a gift that means you cant earn it. it is given FREE!
Labels: christmas
Christmas Christmas Christmas. have to chiong Christmas card or not really not enough time.

Saturday, nandy, pc and i was out at orchard road. not for shopping but for CCIS. we are to start a conversation with someone and HB distributor. starting a conversation was really not so easy when all the people was like rushing from 1 place to another. but really thank God, at least 1 person is able to hear the Christmas story from me and it makes a lot of different. so was really really thankful, cos i got 3. hahax. and yes, my line dat night goes like this " merry Christmas! free programme handbook and postcard!" before i even finish my line, the person walks off. morning the line was" hi, are you free to spare me 5mins of your time to do a survey?"

the first Christmas happened 2000 years ago at the town of Bethlehem. Christmas is a time of giving and receiving, is a time where we celebrate Jesus Christ birth.
As little children we would dream of Christmas morn
there is a old auntie that i met yesterday during saturation. she speak dialect only and my dialect was not very good. but still can understand what she said. she keep telling me that she is very sad. cos she cant walk and so she have to depend on a wooden cane to move around at home. she said she cant go out of house and i can feel that she really feels very lonely. and the hospital cant help her with her leg, and she heard that our church tradition Chinese medicine clinic was good. she hopes to consult the doctor too. my heart really aches for her. there is so many old folks in our community that is like this old auntie that need helps. i really don mind to just go and sit down with them and listen to them talk and make them happy.
dear God, You are the healer. may Your healing power rest upon their body right now and remove all the pain and illness and all the works of the devil. let them see You, the light and the truth.
Labels: christmas
10 more days to Christmas!!!
17 more days to 2009!!!
21 more days to school reopen!!!
before we knew it all these days are gone.
father: why did you put your watch in the bank?
son: I'm trying to save time.
you can save money but you can't save time. you can hoard money but you cant hoard time. unlike money, the best use is not to save it but to spend it.
boy: God, how long is a million years?
God: in my theological framework, about a minute.
boy: God, how much is a million dollars?
God: a million dollars is like a 50 cents to me
boy: God, can i have a 50cents?
God: i am busy now. would you give me a minute?
to God, a minute may be a million years but to us, it's still a minute.
we must not wait for the hours before we begin our tasks: we must seize the minutes, for it's in the minute by minute moment that much gets done. (George Ong)
your life is basically the composite moments of your time. managing your time is really managing your life.
you can kill time or kill yourself. it comes to the same thing in the end. (Elson Trivolet)
Labels: 有 去 无 回
holidays means more time to work. holidays means i can sleep as late as i want.
3weeks Holiday is super super short. if i spend my first week of holiday working, second week on CCIS, and third week on work. where can i find the time to study for the upcoming test and exam for the new term? zzz.
i must be glad at least there is still holidays.....
Labels: God of my forever
Labels: the name of God reveal His characteristics
my best clique at work! Lina! she is finally back to work last month right after her O level exam. really miss her so much. we haven seen each other for like half a year. time really fly so fast. seriously working with a friend feel so different than to work with others. so i really hope that the real work in school will be approved. then i will be able to work with geetha. hahax.

i have been working in KFC for 3 years alr! and this coming year will be my fourth year in KFC. yes i would really like to change job, but it is really very hard to find a job that fits in my unfix schedule. although working in KFC are very rough and tough work but I'm just too used to it that i may not want to walk out of this comfort zone. i hope to find a job at a christian book store or christian cd store. or any job related to God. not only i will be working in a good environment but also serving God at the same time!
those riders working at my place are really not MAN. cannot see i hold a very big and hot tray with 36 pcs of chicken on top is it? cant you just wait and let me carry the tray out first. must push your way through mah? what if i drop all the chicken? i know they don even care. GRR!!! they don even know how to walk properly. i wonder is it eyes sight problem or they cant talk? always knock on to me. sometime it is really painful lo. but i know they don care! I.... MUST BE PATIENCE!!!
Labels: patience
what happened today was, i just came to release that my lab coat is in the locker and i don have the key to it. my stupid test start at 8am and only mich and hy got the key. but their test is at 9+am. and they wont b able to reach on time to help me with the locker. worst, i forgot my calculator (blur me). tw is not in sch too. half of our class have finish the test wont be in school. and only 8 of us taking the test at 8am. May's class don have lesson in the morning too. so i really donnoe who to turn to for help. hy cal me to go the locker and see any of our class pple will b there to able to lend me the lab coat. I'm not sure whether i really can get 1 lab coat not. how abdt calculator? at that point I'm really worried. what if i can only take the test next round at 9 plus, which i don think is very good.
fear just gripped my heart again. i know in my heart that the only person that i can depend on and turn to is none other than God alone. but how can God help me? drop 1 lab coat and calculator from the sky? i donnoe how.
i know i can trust God. man can fail you but God will nv fail you. i know He is always faithful even when we are faithless. so i really pray that i just want to trust in Him that He will provide me with this 2 things. that He will put someone on my way that i can lend this 2 things. He can even provide pc with exam question. what else cant He provide? my fear are gone. i don want to think further, cos i know He is in control.
when i was on my way to the lift , i saw 2 person that i know. just the right timing! not from our class. someone from class B. so without hesitating, i went up to them for help. thank God. they are not having practical now and i can lend from them. i only lend from them lab coat, although in my heart i really want to lend calculator from them very much. but I'm not very close with them. if i ask for calculator too, i think will b too much. i know where's the limit. so i went off to the lift and take the lift up to the lab. and guess who i saw? LOL. Esther! just in time! hahahx. my calculator got hope le. and i lend from her. and the test went quite smoothly. just that i need to be more patience with ms fong's marking scheme.
主 耶 稣 , 你 对 我 真 的 太 好 了 。 Your timing is always right!
when in lab math class, then i realise my calculator is in between my files. zzzzzz. but God still provided!
"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6,7
if in everything, whether big or small, huge or tiny, we pray and ask from God, i think at the end of the day, we will have countless things to thank God for! Hallelujah!!!
Labels: God of my forever
GM课 完 后 , 我 真 的 很 担 心 。 很 担 心 , 很 担 心 。 因 为 我 总 觉 得 10Dec class test, 老 师 会 给 我 一 个 很 大 很 大 的 鸡 蛋 。 tutorial 1 的 问 题 我 真 的 都 不 会 做 。 我 自 己 很 清 楚 的 知 道 我 会 在 class test 做 不 到 。 非 常 害 怕 。
I'm really thinking hard what to do abdt it. how can i in such short time understand and remember all GM topics? fear just gripped my heart. i donnoe how.
Labels: 就 这 样
God of my youth
I remember your call on my life took me o'er
your love has seen me through all my days
I stand here by your grace
On this altar I've written my life
Tells of a story I have with you my Lord
I want the world to know
God of my forever
And forever I'm with you
My life is saved with a price
Your sacrifice redeemed my soul
God of my forever
And forever I will sing
My greatest honor will always be
To serve my Lord and King
God of my all
I've surrendered
My heart finds its rest in your word
Praises will not be enough to show
How my Love for you has grown
Nothing matters when you're here with me
In the end just to hear you say "Well done"
Bowing before your throne
God of my forever
And forever I'm with you
My life is saved with a price
Your sacrifice redeemed my soul
God of my forever
And forever I will sing
My greatest honor will always be
To serve my Lord and King
Forever and ever
Jesus you alone in glory reign
Forever and ever
In you i walk this narrow way
Labels: forever and ever