Thursday, June 18, 2009
the new member in my house. just brought it home from TP lab. they got extra so can bring back home. :D Fittonia is the name :D it's leafs feels like plastic, i still joke that this is actually a fake plant .
Recently, just realise that the flower in this plant had bloomed.
So excited! So excited to see all the plants in the lab to bloom. we are the one that water them. 4 weeks already. 多多少少有点感情了。hahax.
JY&KM: 开花了!
P: 几时开的?
JY: 今天刚刚开的。
P: 过几天我们就可以拿来吃了!
JY: 我吃过。(that wasn't a good experience. cos i ate it from a plant on the streets when i was in pri school. Doesn't taste so good.)
P: 哎呀!我记得那时候开过,蚂蚁逼我早吃!
JY: 那怎么办?
KM: 现在吃?
we surrounded the pot of the plant with water to prevent ants.....
Monday, June 15, 2009

sliced oranges rolling down the hill of a road....
how is this done? I'm not sure.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Do you agree with me that the most painful hurts you can get from people is none other than getting it from your closest friends, your family and someone that you trusted alot?most of the time these group of people are the one that created the most hurts in me. these hurts are far more painful then any friends that rejected me to come for events, more painful then the teachers that disapprove me. more painful then scoring below my expectation for test and exam, more painful then being rejected when sharing the gospel.
Jesus faced the same rejection and hurts from all the people that is His own. He came into this world that was His own, but it did not recognise Him. He was rejected, tortured, hurt and was even put to Death by His people that was His own. the PAIN and SUFFERING that He had endured. All this that He did and went through, just to show and tell us how much HE LOVES US. how much have we break Jesus's heart when we turn away from Him and reject Him after He have did so much for us?
maybe they do not know and realise that how much they have break my heart.
I Love them......
And that why it hurt so much........
I'm sorry. If my words and actions hurts you......
Because You first LOVE me. Jesus You will always be... You will always be my first LOVE....
Thursday, June 11, 2009
last sunday sermon is on trusting God our father.that we CAN trust God, we SHOULD trust God and we MUST trust God.
when i just decided to trust God for my IA that something meaningful and purposeful will happen, the next day, it came!
God is good all the time! not 1 but 2 projects! i was feeling super guilty on Mon cos i forgot to bring my lab coat. but i was at cloud 9 when i hear abdt the project. i tot he just say to make me happy. the next day he brought the plants and new seeds in! i was amazed by his productivity. hehex. now work is super busy, that's what i like, the KFC spirit. LOL.
Stretch is finally coming to the end. seriously 4 lessons is really super short. if i have take guitar, i doubt i can play for combine band.
SIGH... i really got stage fright. what happened at ISS is already the prove le. haven even go on stage i can feel the tightness le! OMG! Combine band is on this coming sat! faint~
JIa you lo.....
Monday, June 8, 2009
He is the same, yesterday, today and forever.
i believe that God put me there for a reason, just like life exist for a reason. you don't have duplicate person that is same as you. you exist for a reason, maybe to fill some needs.
that the hope and reason I'm holding on to....
4months will pass very soon, very very soon....
Sunday, June 7, 2009
我觉得我好像真的被骗了。被骗了。后悔?真的觉得有一点点。even the Lab tech says that it just sound so nice. but the actual fact is not as i expected.
YES! I'm disappointed! If you know me well, you know sometimes I'm really very purpose driven. no reason for doing it and you want me to do, is really upsetting me. and he can actually tells me so clearly that what all this is for show! and i asked him to confirm what he had just said so many times. is really for show. you mean is for fun? i was expecting something more than that.
really something more than that.
and they really never tell me what i was there for, never tell me exactly what they are doing, what the main thing they want me to do and the reason behind it. till recently i found out thru the website of this place then i finally realise. so is really mainly for commercial.
i am really wrong. tot that the real reason I'm there is to help them with the research. i have just think too highly of myself. what am i to go there to help with the research? i am just an ITE student. with the knowledge i have cant do much. but i really tot that was the reason, that why i accepted your suggestion of going there. and i asked you so many times to confirm what i will be going there for. of course is not anyone fault at all. if i have know the truth, i might not say yes at the first place, if i have the freedom of choice.
will she thinks that is "serve me right" if she found out? she will surely thinks that. why i didn't heed her advice in the first place. after that she will go around and tell everyone how foolish i am or something along that line.
the only feeling that i need to feel right now.
i really miss studying..... though it have just been 2 weeks only...