Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Finally, holiday is here!this week is the second week of holiday le. still left wif 1 more week to sch reopen.
wassup with my busy holiday?
Helping out with "impact 4" a program for christian students in ITE. Having this program can just drain all my energy away le. 3 weeks, 3 sessions per week. Plus work, and more work. But i still Thank God, cos there is still a few days that i can enjoy my holiday! better than nothing. though i keep telling myself that this holiday i must make more time for myself, my family and for God. but it just dont seems to be happening the way i want it to. Sigh~
If holiday can just be longer a bit more that will be great! Hmmmm... cant imagine myself running to the bus stop every morning when sch start. you noe i always overslept! and i really run all the way through the shelter walk way across the road(always fear that i may get knock down by cars),the long pathway and up the overhead bridge. and i noe, so many pple is looking at me! i DONT have time to even feel PS! Zzzzz. i really hate it when my bus stop is so far away n the bus is always so pack n waiting time is always so long! 6 more months!
Guess what! Mr Goh is coming to the kuantan trip with us! *almost fainted~ n the 3days kuantan trip is fully pack! so pack that i dont think we will have a chance to even step in the mall! really hope that everything will goes well for this trip.
ok old photos.. taken on the last day @ TP.
i miss all the plants~
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Fruits of the labour
after putting in 101 hearts from germinating pumpkin seeds to the harvest, our hard work and all the sweat have paid off. Is a joy to see you growing bigger and bigger each day. These 2 pumpkin is KM n my first fruit. we really wanted it to grow even bigger. unfortunately, to prevent it from dropping to the ground n smash, it is taken down. each weight about 1kg plus. it really looks very nice from the top view. But from side view.......
Officially IA has comes to the end! Yes, officially. but will be going back to help out for 1 more week. which is this week. Maybe becos have been away from sch for 4months, i really feel that I'm not part of the sch anymore. and maybe i have adapted to TP's environment, so after holiday, i have to adapt back to sch's environment. and really hoping that the remaining 6 months in sch will pass in it's full speed.
真的很希望有一个学校假期我能好好的休息!超讨厌我的忙碌的生活!真羡慕那些能好好享受学校假期的同学!我好向往哦!能够享受学校假期不是我一个人能决定的。There is a lot, a lot of contributing factors and people to consider. 真遗憾!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
sorry, have not been updating. and blogger got problem again. so even more not in the mood to update. wait for blogger to be ok bah. hehex.