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Sunday, July 27, 2008
amazing grace

actually was feeling quite discourage today. cos of the community project. only 3 pple turn up 2 do the saturation. and the respond of no. of kids interested to come was less too. was really loss heart le. till the point i keep praying in my heart calling God to provide and i start singing "let everything that have breath, praise the lord forever..." but after service today, i have came to a conclusion. today sermon was abdt how to fight a good fight of faith. and is really applicable 2 what im going thru now. i shouldn't feel discourage is the devil that is now putting this in me. i should resist it and instead i should encourage everyone. i have a great chat with grace after church. my conclusion is let us not look at the number of kids that will turn up even if there is only 1 kid coming. so??? still can reach out to that 1 and only kid. let us all have fun and also grow deeper in our fellowship and not get dishearted. jia you everyone!!! let us praise him in every circumstances. "press on" so many pple fall sick.... get well soon!!! may God 's healing power rest upon you.

today we sang this amazing grace song by Chris Tomlin. reminds me of the very moment i accept God. remind me of his amazing grace. reminds me that I'm once lost. reminds me that I'm set free. and reminds me of his love for me.

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost,
but now I'm found,
Was blind
but now I see

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me

And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, Amazing grace

The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God, Who called me here below
Will be forever mine
Will be forever mine
You are forever mine

Lord, thank you. i cant imagine my life without you. i cant imagine how my life will be without you. thank you.


what is your priority in life?
thanks to hui for sharing with us this link.


it surely had reminds me that we are all living at the end times and time shouldnt be wasted.

ok. my week. what can i say? i look forward 2 an exciting and different week for the weeks to come.


got PA on thursday. thank God that it is reali super easy. but the waiting part is reali so bored. hahax. so i saw ms lim cutting the paper towel 2 small pcs. so i was looking at how she do it. so funny. i just keep looking at her cos is reali bored. i didnt reliase that she will notice that. LOL. she saw me looking at her.

so she say: "why? want 2 help me is it?"

me:"oh ya...." laugh

ms irene:" go help lorx."

so i stood up n walk to her.

ms lim:"want to get extra points is it?"

me:" no la... just too boring." laugh

is reali too bored. cannot expect me to jus stone ther n look in the air. isnt it more ineresting 2 look at ms lim cuting the paper towel? hahax.

finally learnt new things in guitar. cos we have been revising n revising. cos we cant remember all the chords n notes. we learn how 2 pluck. is quite interesting de compare 2 just playing chords. i cant stand it.. i jus keep strumming the wrong strings.. hahax.... cant stand teacher weird hair stype too....

rush 2 church after guitar lesson. was super late as we plan 2 meet at 6.45. i onli reach at 7.20. LOL. only reach home abdt 10plus.


experiement 22 on the oraganic structual and condesened formaula is reali quite fun and interesting. teacher actually taught my grp using "bedrooms" example. funny but more easy 2 understand. right after lesson went straight 2 see all my crystal babes. is the same. belle don seems 2 be growing very well. saw other group crystal which is reali far more nicer than ours. how sia? reali feel like telling ms lee dat we don have confident in usiong 99.9%pure de chemical. but how? im willng 2 give a try. but de result may not b successful. we going 2 grow 99.9% pur crysatl starting on monday!!!! i want 2 trust God for a way and solution. i don want 2 think of the outcome now.

after finish with the crystal, went for cca badminton. but 1 very disappointed news is today there is no training. n teacher say he forget 2 inform us last week. is reali dot dot dot man. cos the hall will b used by other pple at 2.15. so we play until 2.15. korshim seems 2 like playing badminton with the wall and the floor. LOL. no offend k. is jus super funny when he jus keep hitting it towards the floor and the wall. left sch and went to TM with michelle to buy a new bag. is reali super ex. but i reali need a new bag. if i continue use my old brown colour shoulder bag, not only my shoulder wil break, the handle of the bag will break too. the handle, is torn half way liao. if i use it again 2 school, confirm break, then i willl have 2 hug my bag all the way home. LOL

still thank God that there is no badminton, so that i can reach home early. went for cell grp at 7.30. brander was here. dot dot dot. he begged us 2 play catching. so we played ice n water. n im so blessed that i am the ice. LOL. super exhauted k. how can i probably catch joseph. his leg is so long. and half the time i was screaming.... " you cannot move.!!!" LOL...


went to church in the morning. today was the "do it all for you" only my cell grp and another cell grp was doing it for today. each grp went door 2 door to 3 levels of block at block 100. mostly living there was elderly. and they are really loney. we spend some time talking to them too. and block 100 flat is the type with no bedroom but with bigger living room de flats, their door was facing each other too. jus like the drama last time shown on channel 8 abdt the water tank.

went to work. and was late again. recently always late for work. feel so guilty. and you know what. i must go for injection!!!! de injection is every 3 years must go 1 time. im not scare of inection but is just the pain that last for a few days after iinjecting that will kill me. sianx. i think i will hopefully go for the injection after nafa test bah.

this week i very good girl k. sleep very early. but actually that was not my plan in my changing plan. cos i plan 2 use the night 2 study seems during the day i cant find the time. but, seems like it cannot b like dat. den i have 2 wake up super early to study seems i want 2 sleep early. sleeping early is now part of my changing plan. some mayb thinking, how can sleep early change ones life. of course it cant. my plan is 2 wake up early. that why must sleep early. wake up early for? not only to study but oso wanting 2 prioritize some stuff. i plan to do the most important thing first thing first at the beginning of each day. there is still a long way to go but the first step in changing is always the toughest. and i have took the first step.

dear angle, belle and crystalbelle babies,

pls grow well and not be so greedy in growing veri big at veri short time. pls protect yourself from the attack of other crystal growing on you out of no where. pls prevent yourself from having too much lines from growing on you. pls remember 2 bath everyday so that you can remain clear. pls remember 2 eat everyday. pls take good care of yourself, mummys cant be always around to look after you everyday. jia you!!! we want to put expectation on you. don let us disappointed k!! see ya!!! take very very good care!!!!

im quit worried that children may not turn up for the event that we plan. how? i donnoe.

but i will trust God with this event, into his hand. i will have faith even it is as small as mustard seed.

" because you have so little faith. i tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'move from here to there' and it will move.nothing willbe impossible for you." ( matthew 17:20-21)


Monday, July 21, 2008
beyond imagination
i came across this video sometime back. this is one of the video that i have always been searching last time since the first time i saw it in sch hall. but i donnoe the song name. so was hard 2 find. but donnoe why i suddenly got this " i can only imagine" phase came on my mind. so i remember of this video. and found it.

this is really a super touching video. showing how this father bring his son to take part in so many Marathon even though his son is handicap. how this father go 2 the extra mile for his son is really touching.

you know how much this earthly father like him can do for his son. how much more can our heavenly father do for us to show his love? will u ask your dad 2 buy you a toy then he give you a stone? or a pet dog he give u a snake? they wont rite?

how much more can our heavenly father give if we ask from him?

" ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. for everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. which of you, if his son ask for fish, will give him a snake? if you, then though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! so in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sum up the law and the prophets." Matthew 7:7-12


Saturday, July 19, 2008
God's love
last time i always wonder how come everytime the message they preach at church is always abdt God's love. wont they get bored? but i later then found out that we must always remind ourself of what God had done for us. or not we will forget what he had done and let our minds be so full of what is happening in our life and wonder why is it like that and not another way. and forget to be grateful and thankful for God. for what he done. becos of what he done, is done for us. not for 1 person but for all.

let us not forget what he had done. let us start and end each day remember what he had done. let us thank him even for very small thing he had done.

You laid aside Your majesty

Gave up everything for me

Suffered at the hands

Of those You had created

You took all my guilt and shame

When You died and rose again

Now today You reign

In heaven and earth exalted

I really want to worship You my Lord

You have won my heart and I am Yours

Forever and ever I will love You

You are the only one who died for me

Gave Your life to set me free

So I lift my voice to You In adoration

to enter into God's presence is by worship. let us always bring worship to God and always dewll in his presence.


i just experience another mood swing today. I'm just so moody. this is not the first time happened in this week. and it get so worst that i loss my appetite 2 eat. i know I'm veri hungry cos never eat breakfast but it some how just feel so full. this is really not like me. and i did take time 2 pause and stop and try to figure out what is the factor that contribute to this moodiness. and i believe Michelle was affected by my mood too. she too, was moody.

today was IC class test. i spent the whole night ytd 2 study. i did sleep. for abdt 3 hrs. i very impressed that i actually break my own record of drinking 4cups of tea at one go. and let talk abdt the test. it is really not i expected. cos i expected that it will be veri hard. but end up is below expectation. but that doesn't mean i will get full marks k.

i found out the reason for moodiness alr. and is disappointment and stress that leads to it. disappointed with myself that i donnoe how to do the qn on the practical worksheet. n that leads to always have to rely on others 4answer. i want to do myself. disappointed and stress that our Crystal growing process still faced with unsolvable problems. disappointed with teacher that for the sake of wanting to release us early, rush thru everything. is so fast that i cant catch. is so rush that pple breaks their apparatus. why rush ? trying to catch some train? instead is us that is at the loosing end. i felt more disappointed and discourage when ying jun say that badminton was not very organise. this is just some of the reasons that i know that contribute to the mood swing.

but badminton turn out quite ok. thanks to ying jun. and after playing really lifted my mood up. make some new friends in badminton. they will reali quite nice de pple. thank God for placing them around me. and 1 of them actually take the same bus home as me.
by the time i reach home, i was really very tired.

God really knows what i need even before i asked him. he just provided even in very small thing. and i m really very amazed. thank you Lord!!!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008
my heart cry
this song lyrics really describes my heart cry and what i want to tell God. this song is call hati hamba. meaning heart of a servant.
you can listen to it thru this link.

Standing in awe of Your grace
Setting my feet in Your ways
Entering into Your presence
To behold You face to face
God of all Heaven and earth
Holding me in Your embrace
Unfailing love that surrounds me
Oh..God I stand amazed

My Jesus, My Lord
You're the love of my life
Wherever You go
Wanna be by Your side
No longer I
But Christ living in me
Serving You for all eternity
My eyes set on You
In this race that I run
No longer my ways
Let Your will be done
Make me a servant
My heart's ever true
Clinging to the cross
I'll follow You
I'll follow you

Chinese version


我愿一生 追求跟随我主



Sunday, July 13, 2008

ok i should update my blog seems some1 requested.

my week was as usual, busy and tiring.

my dear crystal is officially abort on Friday. is reali veri pressure, cos Michelle and i is back 2 square 1. 3 weeks down the drain. n we both fear that we cant grow any perfect long crystal out. ms lee did told us dat if we cant grow out any crystal from using 99.9% pure chemical then we wont b able 2 go for nus challenge. as in only 2 grps will go for that challenge. and i think teacher wants my grp 2 go. although i think is reali unfair for other grps. but there is reali gd n bad reason. but at that time when teacher want us 2 abort dear crystal im reali feel hopeless. cos we are left with nothing except the 2 super saturated solution dat is donnoe going 2 denature soon. keep crystalising very fast. is really veri wasted, teacher feel dat way too. somehow feel dat we like对 不 起 老 师 。 cos is reali wasting chemcial. the 99% pure is 1 bottle for 180 bucks and the 99.9% pure is 480 bucks per bottle and smaller bottle lor. if we reali cannot grow anything out then i don know how. may my crystal glorified your name.

Michelle and i due 2 crystal growing missed our guitar lesson. n there is no make up lesson. so we changed timing for our guitar class to Thursday 5.30pm. another day that is fully packed.

i was late for CG. n i lead P&W. ahhh.. some veri paiseh thing happened. looks like I'm reali not gd in leading P&W. mayb practise will make it more perfect and let me gain more confident in leading. but practise make perfect, but nobody is perfect. then why practise? hahax. quote from hui.

when to work yesterday. reali don feel like going. cos I'm scare of the stress. but thank God never did i expect that there is not alot of customer compare 2 other Saturday. i should have just trust God with this situation. actually i plan not 2 go. but feel veri guilty. so i went, but late. i only plan 2 work till Nov. so i estimated. abdt minimum 40more days 2 work only. there is a new staff from china. now we got 4 china gals. hahax. really feel like going out with them. that new staff, she reali veri cute. she told me that she don quite like Singapore. cos she say she was disappointed. back in china they told her that Singapore is like heaven once you step in. no rubbish wad ever. but she was really disappointed. she say our rats here are even bigger than their rats in china.

i spend the time waiting for bus and journey back home think abdt this 3 years working in kfc. and just right that saturday date 12 july marked the day i join kfc 3years ago. there is good and bad times. time that i will never forget. 3 years. is not a short period of time. working there is one of my turning point of my life. it really open up my mind set and Borden it. and i do not know that the next turning point of my life is just a year away, knowing this person that i desire 2 knows, finally reveal himself to me. I'm glad. thinking of leaving kfc makes me feel unbearable. but i know i cant stay there forever.

today pastor chng peached. 1 point was abdt the spirit of expectation. dat we should expect more. but somehow fear is hindering me. cos i know that the more i expect the more disappointed i am. he say abdt this story where this man that cant move cant get down 2 the river of healing cos nobody helped him. Jesus came. and asked him whether he wanted to be heal. instead of telling Jesus " yes, pls heal me, i heard of your great healing power and i believe that u can heal me." he said" nobody wanted 2 help me down the healing river." sometime our mind are just so conditioned. that we tot we cant get this or do did, we think that this things must be done before we can get what we want to do. but is not always liike dat. that where our mindset have 2 change.

is another busy week ahead. may i not be so busy nad have more time for God.........

........................ may test on friday be easy...............

why did Jesus die on the cross?

spiritual reason : to wash away our sin.

physical reason: he claim that he is God.

there is 3possible reason why he claim that he is God.

first, he is a liar.

second, he is a lunatic.

third, he is really God.

can someone probably give his life up for this lie? would someone b willing 2 die for this lie?

Jesus is not lunatic. he is mentally sound. he teach and heals pple.

that is only one possibilities. He is really God.


about me
Jade otherwise, Jinyu
16 November is the day

My blog, my rights. My thoughts, my life.
Love Jesus forever.
Click to see links.