sunset. isn't it beautiful? God's creation.
this is our crystal that we send for the competition. not my grow de. i name it Jerry baby. LOL. unfortunately, the crystal is not in the correct shape. so both group send never win anything. but we have fun.
finally done. our poster for the crystal growing challenge. hard work hard work. although our poster is not very special, but it is our xin xue.
.... this how it's feel, reaching for heaven. this what it's mean, touching forever... reaching for heaven .....
I'm going crazy soon. is so late now and I'm still doing math. I'm going crazy due to the number of careless mistake i made. i was shock. even it is simple calculation of 144 times 1000, i can write as 1440. and alot more. like 9 divide by 3, i actually wrote 2. am i crazy? or there is serious disconnection of wire in my brain. maybe that is really the reason. that why i have been saying so many wrong words recently. like "i just cant remember" to "i just cant forget." and the worst: " i just went to ms XX de blog." to "i just went to ms blog de XX." maybe my mind just cant seems to focus. and the wire in my brain got all connected wrongly. what can i do? so that i can be so focus in doing things as simple as talking? what is happening to me??? some say is stress, some say is lack of sleep. but i say, " i think something is wrong somewhere." and what do you say?
Labels: i am going crazy
失 望 。 对 ,上 个 星 期 我 只 能 用 这 两 个 字 来 总 结 。因 为 我 和 害 怕 的 战 争 打 输 了 。 它 又 战 胜 了 。 但 是 , 我 不 会 放 弃 。 我 一 定 会 在 下 一 个 与 它 的 战争 打 败 它 。
not enough time. cos o level are near. left 3 weeks only. i really donnoe how am i going to finish study for both my math and English. math is enough to drive me crazy. it is a mission impossible. and i must trust God with this. to help me finish things that can be only finish in 3 hours to finish in half an hour. to make impossible to Himpossible. but one thing, i still have to work. and i really don feel like working, as it take up too much of time. i need that time to study. but for the sake of my 4months tuition fees. i must 加 油 ! but at the same time, i still want to trust God that He will provide.
read this from somewhere. which i really agree.
"you cant buy time, you cant sell time and you cant make time.
you cant credit it for tomorrow or give it to someone. you cant save it in a bank, nor can you withdraw it when you needed it most.
you cant just borrow time and lend them to someone who needed it.
when midnight strikes, it is another new day. another 24 hours for you.
you can use it wisely or simply have it wasted.
time is given to you free! but we will never know when our time will end."
no matter how much time i really need, i got 24 hours. 所 以 , 就 这 样 吧 。
my sore throat haven recover. instead it got worst. block and running nose coming back. medicine makes me feel so drowsiness. i hate that feeling. distract me from focusing. oh man! if i don get better, i think i will fall sick again! no way, this time i wont let him win.
I'm working 15hours tml and Wednesday. CRAZY!
Labels: you are my strength
Labels: You are the way the truth and the light
God is really good to me. He really knows my heart. cos i really never do street witnessing alot alot of times before. and i am not very fluent. but God was really really good to me. the people i shared to today are all soft spoken de. so i was able to practise and shared the complete message to them. honestly i never use 4SL to share gospel before. so was really a good chance to put into practise. and both of them that i shared to even prayed the sinner's prayer with me. 2 salvation. thank You! these really increases my faith and gives me more confident. through what You did today really gives me more boldness and increasing the joy of serving you. God, You are really so good to me. and this makes me feel like serving you more. AND.. You had already provided me opportunity to serve You even outside church. now is really a matter of do i have the time to commit to it.
today work was so crazy. as usual, crazy. the crowd did not stop from 6pm till we close shop 11 pm. even till abdt 11.20pm den finally no customer. oh man! if you are there, u will really see me crazy in the kitchen for that 5 hours. by the time i reach home just now is like 12.30 le. but never mind, next week I'm not working!!! so happy! hopefully i will be more free next week. just that Mon, got impact programme and guitar class, Tue, going school do poster, wed, impact programme and English tuition, Thurs to Sun is our Crystal growing challenge! can come and support me and Michelle. sat and sun is open to public and sun is also the result day. oh man. finally it is coming to the end. I'm looking forward, I'm looking forward!!! to the end, of course. no more staying in school till so late just for crystal babies. hahax.
ytd was cell gathering at grace's house. got 3 new comer to our cell gathering that day. no, i should said is 4 new comer. great bonding session! oh man, i talk to soft toys. hahax. how great this will be if we will always have this kind of session once in awhile.
this week is really my half dead week. cos I'm sick. till yesterday den i can consider fully recover. but my cough is still very bad. but this wont stop me from eating spicy food you know. LOL. Tue was really the super sick day. i felt like i had just encounter an angel at work when the plate that i actually plan to wash was actually washed cleaned. cos i saw it was very dirty and i plan to cover it with paper but i have to wash first. but the plate is not small. and i really restless that day. so when i really decide to go and wash, it is clean. hallelujah! is like now you are there and now you don't. of course, is the uncle that washed for me. at first i was still doubting is it really him that wash. cos he don seem very free. but cannot be others le. nobody so free help me wash. hahax. that really lifted me up abit. thank God for this uncle.
this week guitar lesson was really disappointing for teacher. it can be seem so clearly by the tone he used to read the notes as we strum the guitar. sorry la cher. we really forget everything. and i really will go and practise and not let you disappointed again. hahax. provided if i can find the time. but looks like only got Sunday left to practise. cos next week guitar class shift to Mon.
there is this pamphlet that Mervin passed to me. is abdt miracle serivce. a healing service. oh man! i really want to go. so i can be completely healed from the inside out, physical and spiritually. and so many pple was healed through this service. is really so amazing! even bad temper can be healed. so amazing! read their testimonies :
Labels: forever God is faithful
I'm crazy!
I'm work 15 hours ytd with my 38.2 degree temperature.
no choice.
no replacement staff.
i felt very heavy when i first wake up. the exact feeling i got on Sunday. but worst than Sunday. when to take a cold shower hoping that it will at least make me feel better by melting down the heat in me. i really cant believe that I'm down with fever. i cant even remember when is the last time i am down with that. few years ago? i cant believe that I'm sick. cos i really not so easy get sick. i took my temperature and it says 37.9. cant believe. took again after 5 minutes. got higher and higher. ate one mouth of instant noodle and went to work with that super heavy head.
cant focus, cannot tahan. told Danny that i want to go see doctor and he tot I'm joking. do i looks like I'm ok? he must had been very insensitive to his staff. told him that I'm having fever he then agree. but he seems unwilling to give me the slip to see the doctor. come on.. kfc so rich, medical fees of that few bucks should be fine right? i nv say i going take MC. i just want to eat medicine. thank God, i got my medicine. Danny was like cant believe that the doctor didn't told me my temperature. actually i was not listening to what the doctor was saying. i just feel like sleeping.
nurse said only cough syrup will make me feel drowsiness. so i told all the tablet medicine. immediately i feel drowny. told my supervisor. she said are sure what the nurse said can be trust? took out my medicine and check. .... that is one that will cause drowsiness. the medicine is really taking its effect. i am sweating like tap water at the same time feel very sleepy. at abdt 4 plus pm, the drowsiness is really to the max. i can fell asleep by just standing there for awhile without doing things. n it feels like that a suction sucking me and then release. and suck again and release. it's terrible feeling, but some how till the point i enjoyed it. i think Danny saw me like going to fall asleep look. and called me to go in office and rest. thank God. that 5-10 mins nap was really helpful in giving me awkeness for the remanding hours.
i was thinking, this time round, i had overcome my sickness and still work under pressure. next time im sick, will it really be very serious? LOL.
and today, not yet recover from my fever. got a bit fed up when trying to secure the crystal in the container. cos it is really super hard. and my head start to spin. .... tells me that is time for medicine. but i nv bring.
tomorrow, another pack day. jia you! looking forward to days that spend with You. looking forward to see You.
Labels: you are my strength
crystal growing internal school competition result is out. the night before the competition, i still do not really know whether should i continue to hold on to this hope. i really donnoe, cos i know our crystal sure wont win. but i don not want to give up hope in entering NUS challenge. so i was quite stuck in between. but the result had just shown God's faithfulness. God sees my heart. He knows that i really hope to enter NUS challenge. He also knows that our crystal cant make it. but yet, he still provide a chance for us to go NUS challenge. thank you Lord! the result of the competition was that our crystal never win, but we will be taking over another group crystal to go for the NUS challenge. who will ever thought that this will happened? it is God controlling it. although at first felt abit very mixed feeling, cos do not really know to be happy or sad. but now, i want to be thankful of what He had given me. this is part of His plan, i believe i will definitely find a purpose and reason for entering this challenge. jia you!! Michelle , lets jia you!
exam are finally over. i donnoe whether i can make it or not, but i don want to give up hope. mugged for this exam with may at mac for 4 nights. it is indeed super exhausting, didn't go home to sleep for 4 days. i really miss my bed. but thank God, i didn't fall sick.
youth anniversary was finally here. although till the last minute, I'm still doubting whether to go or not. eventually still went. it was still dizzy in the morning. but God really blessed us with very good weather. the games was great. thanks for all the effort for making this event so successful. oh man! playing captain ball with cabbage and tomato is really something that i nv tried before. thank God! able to make new friends during this event. thanks all for coming. the sun was really too strong till the point it let me feel very sick. i got serious headache and sore throat the next day. but.. I'm really power! LOL. still go to church, eat dim sum with cell and go work after that. maybe 以 毒 攻 毒 really works for me.
crystal growing challenge is from 25 to 28 Sept. 4 days. some more is whole day. seriously, I'm really scare. 26 is the judging day. and heard ms lee said that is going to be like interview, we are to do a presentation. I'm scare that i will not be able to answer the question that they asked us. but God had not give us a spirit of fear. You said perfect Love cast out all fear. please come and cast out my fear Lord!
this week is going to be so pack too. busy with work, cos one auntie, kitchen staff is on leave. i have to take over her. and tml work is going to be 15hours to the max and the next day I'm working morning 8am. sianx. 加 油 ! this is not the first time. i will get through! I really need alot of encouragement. 加 油 加 油 加 油 ! ! ! ! ! going to be busy with doing crystal growing stuff. and i have to complete 3 papers for math and English in my TYS. i cant even find one free day just to rest. this is crazy. if only i don have to work, i think i will have more time to study.
ps: sorry this post is abit short, comparing to the rest.
Labels: you are my strength