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Saturday, November 29, 2008
we need Your help!
i hope our PM project will be able to carry out smoothly. I'm getting quite worried. we are really behind time. maybe i have not put in enough hard work. FSC not confirm. photo frame not confirm. 30 family contacts not there yet. photographer haven find. backdrop not done. location not set. so many things not yet done!

"Lord, i pray that my group will gain the favor of men. that you will provide us with open doors to share our love and Your love to the people that we will be reaching out to. please teach us how to be very patience with one another and give us strength to press on and not to give up when we face rejection. Lord teach us and guide us the next step to take. give us wisdom for the decision that we need to make and give us boldness for us to speak. "

"with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."Matthew 19:26


Saturday, November 22, 2008
风 筝
这 是 什 么 ?

看 到 了 吗 ?

风 筝 ...
我 好 想 好 想 像 一 个 飞 走 的 风 筝 ....
逃 避 这 世 界 , 逃 避 一 切 ...


Saturday, November 15, 2008
happy birthday nandy!
happy 18th birthday nandy lexandra!!!
my prayer to you is that you will be able to continue to grow deeper in God and be someone that after God's heart. and will be willing to serve God and put God first in your life. and that you will be able to encounter God and experience His agape, unconditional Love. and that your life will change completely by God.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

You are the source of life,
And I can't be left behind.
No one else will do,
And I will take hold of You.

I need You Jesus,
To come to my rescue.
Where else can I go?
There's no other name by
Which I am saved.
Capture me with grace,
I will follow You.

This world has nothing for me,
I will follow You.
This world has nothing for me,
I will follow You.


i believe in what You said
time fly so fast. half a week have gone. and soon this week will be gone. and soon 2008 will be behind us. 时 间 不 等 人 。 赶 不 上 时 间 。 。 。 。 一 直 追 。 。 。

我 很 期 待 星 期 天 。 我 最 爱 星 期 天 。 不 是 因 为 这 星 期 天 是 我 生 日 。 而 是 我 就 很 喜 欢 。 因 为....

cos i will always find the answer that I'm looking for the week . recharged and restored. cos Sunday is a day that can be in the house of God and entering into the holy of holy and to a secret place with only me and God alone. and Sunday is a holy day make by God to rest! 我 爱 星 期 天 !

I'm really super tired and bored to go work straight after school. and work was really bad when people don communicate and where communication breaks down. which i learn how to actually depend on myself than to depend on others. i will really go crazy! if everyone that i talk to just don want to reply me! is really makes me mad. cos excuse me, I'm talking to you, not the wall. response!

很 忙 ! 很 忙 ! 很 忙 !

PM project must be carry out asap as date line is getting nearer and nearer. still haven manage to find any sponsor. will it be able to carry out smoothly is still a big question mark. 要 加 油 !

aqua 真 的 很 无 聊 ! 我 太 习 惯 忙 来 忙 去 了 。 一 下 叫 我 没 事 赶 , 我 实 在 停 不 下 来 。

recently, i was super disappointed as i felt people don appreciate me of what i have done for them in work. and my thinking was really floating at "my presence is not important" even if I'm not around, it is just 1 less person. no matter whether is it in school or at work. BUT..... it is not really like that after all. what God told me through His word assured me of my important. and i had throw these thought away.

no matter whether is it possible or not possible. or whether i can see it or i cant. i believe what You said will surely come to pass.

JIN YU, step out in faith!!!

this is how i want to celebrate my birthday:
i want to spend it with God in the secret place.

and this is what i really want for birthday:
a changed, new heart.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008
the cross
different people have different view of what the cross mean to them at different season of their life. look carefully at all the pictures. what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the cross?

courage, peace, hope, LOVE, secure, assurance, salvation, acceptance, joy, power, grace, holy, strength, forgiveness ...........

Thank you for the cross, Lord
Thank you for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came
And gave amazing grace
Thank you for this love, Lord
Thank you for the nail pierced hands
Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Now all I know
Your forgiveness and embrace

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Sunday, November 2, 2008
look to the cross

in everything, i will look to You. for your timing is always right. thanks pc, for the encouragement. " if you are struggling and wanting to go into a deeper relationship with God and thinking whether you are stagnant, you are actually still growing."

"therefore i tell you, do not worry about your life, what you eat or drink; or about you body, what you will wear. is not life more important than food, and the body more important that clothes? look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. are you not much more valuable than they? who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
~Matthew 6:25-28~

which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake? if you, then though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him?"
~Matthew 7:9-11~

when difficulties come our way, the road just seems too hard and too long to walk. the refrain goes round and round in our heads, "when will this end?"

we need to first recognize the right problem before we can understand what solution and where the solution can be found.

the biggest problem with us is that our relationship with God is broken becos of sin and there's nothing within our own power or ability to solve this problem. even when we tried hard, we cant get out of it. imagine there's no way out of this struggle. all we can anticipate is a continued sense of frustration and discouragement and guilt, and even if we bear up under it, it is hopeless.


"salvation is found in no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."
~Acts 4:12~

there is always hope in Jesus Christ.

"for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believed in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
~John 3:16~


im back!!!

sorry that is like dino years already that i last update my blog. cos i must restrain myself from using the computer so as to focus more on my o level exam. this few weeks really get so used to studying for math that i some how every time i go home now, i feel like taking out math and do. although exam are over, but life is still much the same. i have to get back to work, so as to clear my 2 months tuition fees. feel super dread.

yes, and i went back to work today. situation are still the same. i cant believe that our store is still short of manpower after so long of changing the boss. looks like the new boss didn't really succeed in changing the situation.

sir Sophia said " today you alone hor, can manage not?" i still tot that he is joking with me. cos is impossible for me to manage alone. so many things need to be done. kitchen leh. so many things. am i superman? unfortunately, he is not joking, really got not enough staff today. super sianx. the morning kitchen staff oso didn't hand over to me properly so many things not prepare. and after she left is really me, and me alone. GRRR... inside me was screaming at top voice. haix.... of course i really cannot manage alone, i still do get some help from the cashiers and sir himself. Thank God! but some cashier really thinks that i am 超 人 。 she just ordered from me that stupid twister and she want it immediately. hello is not instant leh, i need time to make. and she repeatedly shouted for twister for 3 time. and i reply back 3 time that need to wait for 2 mins. and the third time, I'm really screaming. cos is really super irritating. I'm alone leh. cannot wait? i really hope this kind of situation will get better. i really hate it! go work 1 time, angry 1 time. i want to learn how to be so patience.

i really feel that I'm missing out of school lesson quite alot. but GM really very boring. what to do? still have to attend. thank God, o level is really finally over. but somehow after my last paper, i didn't really feel very relief. i feel nothing. this year paper is really more easy compare to last year. if my mum will have to bring me to this world 1 year later, i may not be where i am now. but, i never regret. believe it or not, i still cant believe i fail my math o level for last year! hahax. so this year o level result, i better don put too much hope. 不 然 会 跌 的 比 前 年 还 痛 。

i joined aquaculture club, i cant believe it. the club that i always make fun of the name. i cant believe that i am going to work with fish! hahax. maybe is really meant to be like dat. that i will eventually join this cca. maybe is oso God's plan cos i do fishing on streets. now i learn how to take care of fish. just like i will learn how to follow up and take care of my "fish". guess what, i volunteered to join their competition. and this competition, the project require us to go down to the sea to take photo. which means diving. wowow. sounds exciting. i never try diving before. but, im scare too. LOL. now i donnoe whether i make the right choice. you never know if you never try. maybe i will fall in love in diving. me, Michelle and hui yun, we are the 三 姐 妹 花 !cos we always stick together. like super glue. but this name is given by Mr Oliver, he really very funny, i hope, i can laugh all my stress away~~~~ hahahahahahahahax~~~~~~~ although in our gang, I'm not the laughing box like you two, laugh almost on everything, but I'm the lame box bah. hahahx. real fun jokes will really makes you laugh till burst to tears. and looks like i didn't have such great laugh for very long le. i miss the crystal growing pple. used to have so much real laughter with them. if we can only form a crystal growing club. it will be fun. do too much crystal growing le. feel like growing crystal suddenly. so much more fun then staring at the fish and the fish stare back to you. yes, super boring on the first day we join the cca, stand there do nothing. no sense of belonging yet. i miss CRYSTAL GROWING!

coming to PM project management, i feel so dread to do the project. somehow it is really crazy. cos i or maybe we, never did such project before. a big project that we need to seek sponsorship and CDC helps. i really donnoe how this project is going to come about. Lord, pls guide me.

i suddenly realise that i got really alot of commitment. and it is really not good. cos cannot focus. I'm trying to cut down. but it don seems to be working but more commitment came in instead. school, work and church, i really need to balance. but i really donnoe which to give up. maybe i should give up badminton but i really love this sports. imagine if o level is not over yet.

Happy birthday Michelle! :D i really hope you are happy! from the inside out, not just outside. i really hope that you will be able to find the happiness that will last forever not just temporal, and will not fade off. this joy that will still remain even if you lose everything. even if you face with the most sad thing in the world, you will still be smiling and saying that you are happy. that my prayer for you. 加 油 ! sweet 17 birthday.

how come i suddenly don feel so familiar to this number 17? LOL. I'm still 17 for another 14 days. but some how, 十 七 好 像 好 谣 远 。 十 八 还 没 到 就 反 佛 已 到 。14days more for me to enjoy my 17 years old age. I'm becoming a young adult after 14 days. time really fly so fast. i cant catch up. the older you get, the more responsible. 我 真 的 很 不 想 长 大 。 这 世 界 实 在 太 乱 了 。 2more months to end of the year. this year is really such a special year. and is You that make it so special.

some asked me what do i want for my birthday. i donnoe but don buy expensive stuff k. is the heart that counts. but don go and spend alot of time and make hand made gift. is really time consuming. i rather you spend the time usefully on eternal investment. hahax. sound so funny, if i write here what i want for birthday. LOL. just ask me bah, if you really want to know.

i love this song. all for love. that the reason He came. i can beat around the bushes, round and round, but will still come into conclusion with this word- love. He is the only 1 that i found that will provide such love.

"love is patient, love is kind. it does not envy, it does not boast. it is not proud. it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth, always hopes, always perseveres."
1cor 13:4-7
"this is love: not that we loved God, but he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."
1john 4:10

All for love a Father gave
For only love could make a way
All for love the heavens cried
For love was crucified

Oh how many times have I broken Your heart
But still You forgive
If only I ask
And how many times have You heard me pray
Draw near to me

Everything I need is You
My beginning, my forever
Everything I need is You

Let me sing all for love
I will join the angel song
Ever holy is the Lord
King of Glory
King of all

Oh how many times have I broken Your heart
But still You forgive
If only I ask
And how many times have You heard me pray
Draw near to me

Everything I need is You
My beginning, my forever
Everything I need is You (x2)

All for a love a Saviour prayed
Abba Father have Your way
Though they know not what they do
Let the Cross draw man to You

Everything I need is You
My beginning, my forever
Everything I need is You (x2)

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about me
Jade otherwise, Jinyu
16 November is the day

My blog, my rights. My thoughts, my life.
Love Jesus forever.
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