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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
" i don know." so powerful???
hey this " i don know" sentence is like super powerful in pushing responsibility 2 others. just this 3 words... for example if i ask you: how come you never go for this workshop yesterday? and your respond can be: cos i don know there is actually such workshop. story end. cant possibly blame someone that actually do not know; Innocent. Chinese there's this saying :不 知 者 无 罪 。 which really shows the power of " i don know" .

i always encounter this problem when pple start telling me they don know and pushing everything 2 me alone 2 settle. quite frustrating 的 . yup, and i encountered this situation early in the morning at home. i don think there is really a need 4 me 2 go into details. sometime pushing everything 2 me 2 settle is really very stressful. do you really understand how i feel? i bet they don. eventually, they are still my family. i only can keep telling myself 2 get used 2 it and accept it.

today practical is in the computer lab, do some research on 5 organisation and then we have 2 write it out on major paper and present it out(is like, not again? major paper?). honestly, is really super boring k. cos the computer is really lad and i really used 2 using the touch pad on laptop le. LOL. so used that i 4get there is mouse(ya, i went touching the table with my middle finger). this is really so funny. hahax. and i cannot manage 2 find all the information. super sianx half way. my group wrote so much and so big on the major paper that we actually used 5 major paper. cannot believe it at all. and each team that present, every group member takes turn 2 present each organisation. but my team have actually planned that 1 person holds this job fully. is this really going 2 be very weird i really don know. cos end up not enough time 2 present. so the rest of the group have 2 present next lesson.

i went rushing 2 posb bank after i reach home and have my early dinner. i know the bank actually closed at 4.30pm. and i left my house at 4.20pm. i know clearly this is really a mission impossible 4 me 2 reach in 10 mins time. but i still rush down like mad. haix. no matter how hard i tried, i didn't make it in time. when i reach, is already 4.35pm. and is closed. although there is still pple inside waiting 4 their turn but I'm not allow 2 go in. if it is not 4 that pathetic stamp that i need 4 my GIRO application i really don think i will really rush like crazy 2 the bank but end up with nothing k. i really don know when then i can get that stamp. tml they are not open and friday lesson is till 5.30pm, close by that time. Saturday got cca in the morning till 12noon. by the time it will be close again. and you know what? i need 2 hand it in on Monday. and sunday they are not open. once again the concept of able 2 split myself into half comes in again....

so i left the bank after knowing that i cant get in 2 get the pathetic stamp. went 2 met up with hui and eeyore. of coures, 4 tuition at MP. is really so cold in the classroom . and as usual, i almost fall asleep when the lesson is coming 2 the end.

tml is public holiday. what a really NICE labour day. maybe is really nice 2 some. but 4 me it is just another tiring day of working 15 hours( is double pay 4 8 hours. cant miss this opportunities especially i really seldom work now le.) and there is actually a pasa lamam at just outside the streets near my work place. so i already predict. is going 2 be super super busy tml. yup, which really pays off our double pay. sian a bit.

feel so dread 2 go 2 work tml. doing the same old thing, facing the same old problems. i recently then found out that my store area manager had changed too. cos the previous 1 found a better job with higher pay of coures. and that new AM, her name is pearlyn. haven have a chance 2 meet her in person yet. but i heard she is really super strict in procedure. super sianx k. looks like life at work isn't going any where better at all.

i don know.. i don know what 2 do... but 4 me saying "i don know"don have the powerful effect of pushing responsibility 2 others. no matter how many donkeys time i can say "i don know". it wont works that way 4 me at all. this will only brings me more pressure. cos eventually all the problems still needs me 2 handle, even if i say i don know. i cannot don know. don know also must know. and that is how pressurize sometime it gets.

still trying 2 accept.........


Tuesday, April 29, 2008
cant escape
today is the swimming lesson that i dread . cos i really scare of going 2 that adult pool (Olympic standard k). lucky every thing turn out 2 be quite ok. never really go and swim the whole pool. i thought we definitely will not have enough time 2 bath. so i never bring any soaps 2 wash myself. but never did i expected, we have time 4 bathing. so you know what happened la..

hwei hoon was sick today and she still come 2 school(super hard working). see her expression of the discomfort really arch my hearts a bit leh. she actually can don come today de. cos only got s&w and IC theory. so wont really miss a lot of lesson. everybody seems 2 be so hard working in my class. i think I'm the only slacker that always fall asleep during LT ( everybody have their eyes fixed on poly le). stress a bit.

met up with Eeyore at night 2 chat a bit. and munch on chipster . we met nisha again(cos she live near that area that we are at.) found out that she had recently met with an accident. so she described 2 us the whole happening. ouch! that was really painful. lucky she already much better now. from the way she describe, somehow i feel that God is trying 2 do some work in her life 2 let her know of his existence. she say she was on the way back after going 2 temper. she say she got feeling that her side of her leg is painful before even the accident. poor gal.. feel a lot of compassion..

really miss her a lot. miss secondary life....

some facts are able 2 escape 4 a certain period of time. but eventually you still have 2 face it..... is this really a sad facts about this facts?


Monday, April 28, 2008
pls don cry.. this just make me feel like crying too...
i almost overslept today k.. lucky still can reach school in time. i really cannot believe i actually almost overslept lor. i slept so early yesterday @ 10pm. this just prove that sleeping early doesn't help me 2 wake up early at all... sian a bit.

learnt something new today in practical. finally able 2 do hands on stuff. quite excited de. but ac theory as usual.. fell asleep 1/4 through the lesson lor. hey, at the beginning, my LT cried. she's too stress up. cos the whole LT was super noisy(we just came inside mah, haven settle down). she cannot get our attention and she screamed : when i say get out i mean it 4 real!!!" den she screamed again 2 1 student 2 get out. after awhile.. heard some sound like sniffing. at first i tot the LT was having a flu k. then saw her rubbing her eyes. then realise she is crying. hmm. actually i feel quite sorry 4 her. cos she trying her best 2 teach this big group of 160 students(is really not easy k) plus many do not understand, and then we are still making so much noise. but i really respect her. if it is me, i will just dash out of the LT and cried outside and that it, the lesson over. LOL. but she actually still dare 2 face everyone, swallow bits and bits of her tears down and continue teaching... RESPECT!!!!

OK.. there is actually nothing much 2 blog about for what happened today.

is another super hot day!!!


Sunday, April 27, 2008
nobody is perfect
somehow, my expectation 4 myself and others is always so high. but, there is time that i really hope that is not like that. or maybe not even holds any expectation on others. the higher the expectation, the bigger the disappointment it can actually be. so eventually i learnt my lesson after being let down by so many pple. now, i really don wan 2 holds any expectation on pple. I'm still trying my best. nobody is perfect, what do i expect??? can i just stop asking 4 too much... i should be satisfy. but sometime i just have so much confident on this or that person(cant blame myself 4 holding expectation k), that they will do this and they wont do this.but.... NOBODY IS PERFECT. human being will make mistake. if only you are not....

i knew that no matter how hard i try 2 look 4 someone that can really accompany me through out my life , i cannot find 1. even my future Mr right(till death we part), there is no human being that can actually do that. no matter how many years you have know me, there is still this 10-20% of me that you may not know. sometime i may not even know who i am? why i do this? why i behave like that? nobody understand me, not even myself.

but i know.. only He knows. He knows everything of me. even if i didn't tell him. He knows me completely from the inside out. He sees through me completely. He knows what is the reason i do and behave like this. He knows EVERYTHING!!! He who decide what my name should be. He who let me be born 2 this earth. He who fixes my fate. he who decide that i should born in this family. He who put an emptiness in me. He who ..... He who is the creator of everything.

i know surely that in Him i can find rest, i can find hope , love and joy.

好 想 好 想 看 见 他 。 。 。 就 算 一 眼 也 好 。 。 。

可 以 吗 ????


Saturday, April 26, 2008
真 的 吗 ???
thank God for every Friday that i can have every week. cos Friday is always a day that i always look forward 2. that is just so many things that i can look forward 2 when Friday comes near. Friday means going 2 school early and coming back early. Friday means weekends is coming, mark the end of the week, the end of school for this week. Friday means cg is on this evening. Friday means I'm able 2 meet my working clique the next day. Fridays means one day closer 2 Saturday and two more days closer 2 Sunday. hehex... i really loves Friday.

analytical theory have become tougher after teaching all the safety stuff. i can completely don understand the whole lesson and just sit there and think what i should do in order 2 understand what the lecturer was teaching or keep thinking when the lesson will probably ends. although only 1 lesson so far that i really do not understand(of course, just started only mah.) but now, I'm trying 2 get prepare 4 lots of lots of lesson 2 come, going through the whole lecturer without understanding 1 single thing. sooner or later introductory chemistry will just be as bad as analytical chemistry. 4 now, i only look forward in doing practical. for now only. i really donnoe what may come my way after that.

cell outing today. when 2 new york new york 2 eat with them. heard that brander was really upset cos there is no cell today. order a plate of fish and chips. and after that we separatedour way with grace, Joseph and the rest. leaving me , peici, Aaron and another guy, all heading home.

tml is going 2 be another crazy day of working 15 hours. sianx a bit. better don let it affect my mood the whole day there. hey, thankful heart.... haix.. how i hope one day can be longer than 24 hours. and how i hope human being only needs 3 hours a day of sleep. so that i can do alot of things. i got so many books that i haven read yet. i got some many stuff that i need 2 clear long ago le.

sometime i just hope that im a robot...


Tuesday, April 22, 2008
我 只 是 想 要 。 。 。
school at 9.30am. but i cant imagine i actually reached school so early today. at first i tot lesson starts at 9am lorx. when i get out of my house at 7.50am. i walked half way then i realise that i forget 2 bring my MC. shitty lorz. went all the back. i think my STM is getting more serious le. how can i let this slip off my mind. so i reach school about 8.45am(still very early). i tot I'm reali early lorx. but never expect Michelle was as early as me. she reach shortly after i reach. so i was Lucky that i have her 2 pei.

first lesson was.... S&W.. sianx.. sports and wellness.. that teacher was quite funny de. but.. he wants us 2 bring swimming suit next lesson as in he wants 2 find out who know how 2 swim and who donnoe. this is... ... .... i really don wan lorx. i really donnoe how... maybe i will skip that lesson. or i said i forget 2 bring. he makes us do chin up and run round the track 4 like almost 6 rounds. sweat like so much.

and after that was IC theory class. almost late 4 class. so we ran up asap. LOL. but we are already so burn out from all the exercise le. lesson as usual: boring. although the lecturer try her best 2 make it so interesting by telling us all the "story' she once encounter with safety in lab. but i still find it quite sianx de. we don have any more lesson after that. can go home le (always the best part). i realise that i didn't really learn a lot of thing from the start of school till now. so sianx. maybe all the lesson we have didn't keep me thinking(my brain is not being use). just merely listening only. maybe that why it doesn't really seems like i learnt something new. and slowly i realise i really not so interested in science lehx. chemistry? i got no single clue about it. is my name really hard 2 remember? maybe it really is. some1 just cant remember what's my name and keeping asking me (that same person) .

i cant imagine, i actually slept almost 4 hours after i reach home k.. and i feel that my legs are arching le. didn't do running 4 so long.

i still cant manage 2 get the theme yet. what should i do. GOD!!! can u just drop something in my heart. or maybe a dream. I'm so thirsty 4 you! cant have enough of you...


Monday, April 21, 2008
wait and wait and wait...
never go school today that means i miss my first practical lesson. haix.. i wonder how was it. but of course the reason 4 not going 2 school is because i need bring my mum 2 the hospital 4 appointment.

spent 2 hours in the morning, soaking in God's word and presence. (still cannot get the theme yet)this is something that i always wants 2 do first thing in the morning. finally got the chance when nobody is at home.

and this is how i spent the rest of my days... waiting and waiting...

12nn take bus

1pm reach hospital and waited 4 a Q number

1.30pm waited half an hour 4 1 pathetic Q number 2 be issue 2 me and my mum.

2pm got in 2 see the doctor.

2.30pm waited 4 another turn with another Q number.

3pm went 2 the listing room 2 do all paper work and listen 2 "instruction" 4 what 2 do 4 the coming surgery. and then collect medine

3.30pm waited 4 bus.

4.30pm reach home.

i think today i spent most of the time waiting k. my mum is going 2 have a surgery on may. 1 week before admission must go back and do pre admission stuff. and both day is like on Friday. and guess what, my brother is not free AGAIN. looks like i going 2 miss 2 days of lesson again le. but most importantly, I'm broke(in term of financial). now i only work 1 day per week, how am i going 2 pay all the fees? looks like i have 2 start working on weekdays night asap le. the doctor said that this time round the surgery is more complex than the first 1. it may have some problems in long term 2 come, after completion of the surgery.

never mind. at least i still have the energy, the power 2 do all this. at least i still have instant noodle. at least i know what 2 do. at least i can wake up more late. at least I'm still alive. at least i still can depend on God if everything doesn't turn out the way it should turn out 2 be.

thank God...


Sunday, April 20, 2008
a thankful heart
went 2 church in the afternoon. I'm the first 2 reach in my cg. so i sat down there alone, watching pple around. but my mind have just brought me 2 that message that video clip brings again.



that message really affected me. not really affect me alot alot but it just keeps me thinking. what's make me so different from the world if i do those things that the world will do. by just praying the sinner's prayer can not really register my name on the book of life. but also through demonstration of faith. and thinking of many pple just say the sinner's prayer because they don want 2 go 2 hell and not really dedicating their life 2 God. really pray that God can send such powerful preacher 2 all those that just call themselves christian in the outside but empty in the inside and bringing a revival 2 them. and then Aaron appeared, still tot i see wrongly. cos he say he wont be coming mah.

today sermon was about having a thankful heart and pastor Aaron is the 1 preaching. i can feel that he is really trying his best 2 make it so interesting and funny that we will pay attention and listen. suddenly realise what's the real reason 4 my sadness at work yesterday: i didn't have a thankful heart. which then resulted my unhappiness. thanksgiving is very important 4 a break through. and from now on, i must always carry this thankful heart. cos there is 3 things that i will be resulted in if i don have a thankful heart: first, spiritual poverty. second, unsatisfaction(means that i will always complaint that my life is not good and not going the way i want). lastly, it is a attitude that will poison my soul.

so i must keep reminding myself 2 have a thanksgiving heart. 2 focus on my blessing, 2 look fore 2 the good things in my life than 2 focus my eyes on the bad things. giving thanks in everything.

oh ya, we have new friends that join us 4 service today. it is Sarah's cousins. wow.. so good 2 see them. really hope 2 see them again.

and this is how i spent my Sunday. it is much better than Saturday of course. I'm looking forward 4 an exciting week ahead.


coincidence? not really...
recently, just found out that my CA, ms Irene Seah is actually under my church family, the assembly of God church. never did i expected it. some how or another, i don think this is a coincidence, but part of God's great plans. it had just further assured me of God's will and the purpose why i am in ITE. suddenly see a small part of the big picture that God have 4 my life. i really hope 2 go 4 the church camp. although pple may discourage me saying you shouldn't give up study 4 church. but I'm firm. if God calls me, how can i miss the opportunity in meeting him.(God's calling doesn't always come. it may just comes only once.) if God have already planned ahead 4 me 2 go 4 this camp, i believe i sure can go, the leave application confirm can get through 的. so i really looking forward to this camp. looking forward in a deeper walk with him and my fellow sister and brother in Christ.

saw this video at Godtube.com. http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=760456b767ffa60dde3c

i really don wish that i will be the 1 that is being left out. really don wan 2 be caught unaware, as the day and hour is unknown. this clip is really great. it encourage me 2 be always ready 4 God's calling and the passion 4 him.

I'm just a part time student....


Saturday, April 19, 2008
time passes so fast...
time seems 2 fly so fast today. go 2 worked at 8am and suddenly is like end of work, 11pm le. i left my house when the sun is still trying 2 rise up, reach home when the sun had already set down 4 so long. feeling quite emo in the morning till afternoon. bcos of some reason, once again consumed myself in saddness...

hahax.. but it is all gone when Lina arrived 4 work(my clique at work). and the rest of the day was ok ,bcos of i have she around 2 talk 2 me, n also having our"picnic". is always very fun 2 work with her. at first we gave our self a target 2 reach 2 complete packing all the coleslaw (Eg. 10 mins 2 finish packing the medium coleslaw.) and then the whipped potatoes. as usual, we played the "opposite game". (we are just finding entertainment through it, or not it will really be very boring at work.) of, course, there is always funny stuff 2 laugh about when woking with Li. we really have a great laugh, especially becos of the "tortilla". Li, can you just stop being so rush and blur.. hahax..

and whenever some1 wants 2 call the manager they will go ma'am(provided it is a female manager la).... which actually sound like a sheep. so it was quite funny when i did that sheep sound, 2 call my manager just now when Li was in another argument with one of the rider. there is this rider that really loves 2 bully her. so what happened just now was, Li tried 2 revenge back that rider that bully her by throwing hot water on him. but never did she expected that when she open the back door and throw the hot water, that rider was not there and it almost spilled on a lady(wife of the in charge, of the rider). another rush action she done. i wonder when will she ever learn her lesson.

i was actually quite burn out le when the time reach about 10pm. so i went quite crazy. acting very energetic in order 2 press on 4 another 1 more hour. how i hope Lina is still around(she finish work at 10pm), and auntie salmah. whenever i feel tired or stress at work, i always call them 2 cheer me up. so they will always try their best 2 think of something funny and tell me 2 make me laugh. really appreciate their effort, really thank God 4 putting such nice pple around me. home delievery orders was like super alot when the time reach like 10.30pm onwards. but we already run out of chicken. so end up cooking alot of chicken. what a tiring day. and next week satureday is going 2 be the same old situation again.

so bored of it. and this is how i spent my weekends...


Friday, April 18, 2008
memories that i will never forget
today is the last day of orientation. should i be happy of it, or sad? mixed feeling again. there is this telematch that last about 2 hours. so i spend that 2 hours sitting on the floor of that indoor sports hall with my clique. actually i think is quite boring 1. is just a trophy that they will win. and that trophy also cannot bring home 的. so is there really a good reason 4 us 2 like fright so fierce 4 that trophy? is really not worth it. maybe it only worth the bonding. but not all participated k. is just like a few pple from each class are selected 2participate and represents our school applied health science. so it is so sianx.. and my leg is super numb. the last time i remember sitting so long on the ground was like 1 year ago le. so is really painful.

today weather is super super hot. morning was raining so heavily and now afternoon is like so different. and my head is spinning, really cant take the weather. and as usual, despite the hot weather, i still manage 2 fall asleep in the bus, during the 30 mins journey. lol.

when 4 cell group in the evening. always looking forward in fellowship with them. mi and grace wear the same colour shirt again(last week i wore purple and she, too wear purple). ivana never join us today, so brander was quite sad, i heard he actually almost cried when he heard this news. brander is just so deeply in love with ivana. hahax. brander is really cute in a way. he tries a lot of way 2 get all our attention when we will like updating each other about our week. he went missing during praise and worship time and leaded ice breaker by combining the last 2 weeks ice breaker together. and the 4 feet too. mi, Marilyn and brander have 2 do 4 feet. and brander came up with a super lame and funny the 4 feet. anyway. i think the whole ice breaker, we just spent whole of it laughing at rander and his funny action and responds.

we celebrated Joseph birthday too. HAPPY 23Th birthday!!! the cake was super alot of chocolates. hahax. and of coures, the cell was end with a prayer.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008
better than nothing...
went to school with may, nandy and Amanda today. i was reali hoping that may can get in to my class. but eventually she didn't. but, she is reali lucky 2 get a place in bio tech le. what's more can i ask 4? so i end up entering class late, bcos may haven know which class she is going. I'm so sorry 2 drag mich n hoon 2 be late together with me. ah.. so guilty. but lucky our CA didn't scold us.

went 2 the audi after that 2 listen 2 a police talk. it was quite boring.(this kind of talks, we already have thousands of it when we were still in secondary school.) and then it was lunch break. hahax. i didnt get any food 4 myself(except 4 a can of drink), cos i reali need 2 save up le. after lunch break, we have a CCA drive at the indoor sports hall. same, it was quite boring, and im reali scare of balls, but it happens that i must cross the net ball station in order 4 me 2 exit from that hall. guess wad? lucky that ball didint hit me. i got so many CCA in mind that i want 2 join, but unfortunately only can join 2. but i reali donnoe whether i got time for 2 CCA not.

and then back 2 our "classroom" T06-05. but is occupied by pple. so we end up in a applied food science lab. so on and so fore.. another boring day. of course the best part is always the dismissal part. but, by the time is already like 4.15 le. lab coat no stock, i wonder when i can get my uniform... waited 4 nandy and Amanda and went home together (including may). it rain half way when we will in the bus and it was still raining when we get down the bus. so we are all drenched in the rain. me and nandy when 2 the bubble tea shop 2 wait 4the rain 2 stop, at the same time getting ourselves some drinks and snacks. but the rain didn't stop but got more heavy. sian.. feeling quite emo when i got home. maybe is because i got a lot of stuff need 2 complete by today.(my English homework and hui's brother d&t.) eventually, i end up doing none of them. cos i cant find my work sheets.(this is reali not an excuse 4 not doing k, i reali cannot find it.)

my dad nagged me again. felt more emo.. stress up a bit. my dad called me 2 help him 2 look 4 a night job. but i was wondering, with his super bad attitude and temper, confirm that job wont even last 4 a month. he nagged again, and again. felt more and more emo and stress. but felt better when i started 2 sing..." Jesus, lover of my soul... Jesus, i will never let you go..."

Hui said she wants 2 come and join us in bio tec, since she still got the place(maybe i think). n guess wad, she's in may's class, if she reali got that place la.. if this is reali part of God's plan 4 her, then she will definitely get in.

so tired.. my eyes lips are heavy.....

i donnoe how am i going 2 face all the challenge that I'm going 2 face 4 this year. but...
"you'll get through...." becos God's power is at work in my life and he promised that he will bring me through the time of difficulties.


Monday, April 14, 2008
what a hot day!!!
today is the first day of school. the beginning of my ITE life. lucky it didn't turn out 2 be a nightmare. thank God so much!! thank him 2 put nice pple around me. thank him 4 removing any fear in me.

guess what. i actually went 2 the wrong class jus now. jus because what weird name my class have.(j0804c) how can i remember. lol. so i jus see there is 4c then i jus joined in the line behind. and some more jia wen was there . but i sat down less then a minute, the class advisor came and asked 4 my name. cant find my name. then realise that I'm in the wrong class. hahax. I'm so blur..

finally found my class. sat with a gal name ana. i try my best 2 make friend with her.but we always end up cant find a topic 2 talk. lol. the whole orientation started with a very lame and boring game. follow by very boring 的 ice breaker. but i cant miss that chance 2 know more abdt my classmate. asking each 1 i met their name and where they are from.( will they think I'm crazy?)

eventually, clique up with a gal name "guitar". she's jus came back 2 Singapore from US. wow.. this is cool. she's very open and nice. and another gal name "prema". she's too, very friendly. but of coures, i still manage 2 clique up with a Chinese gal "hoon". she a nice gal, although i say i really don need a wet tissue, but she still make that effort 2 take out and gave it 2me.(so sweet right.) she said she got a place in RP thru dae. but she already brought uniform and pay school fees 4 ite. so she gave up that place. i was like" what???" cos that place may have jus b mine. a biotec course some more. 好 可 惜 ... (i really don want waste 2 yrs here.)

amazing race was like super boring too. almost cant catch up with them.(i really don want 2 get lost in this super big campus...) and now i got blister. is super pain. that shoes that I'm wearing is too big. oh ya, found another gal friend, saw her standing alone, so called her 2 join me and hoon. she is quite quiet. but never mind. not everyone is like me... looking forward 2studying with them. ate lunch together with my class(not really together, jus that our whole class when 2 the canteen together n we sat in different tables. cos not enough seats.) met up with jia wen too 2 eat lunch together. happy that we are in the same school. cos got chance 2 talk(we hardly talk or meet in church. meet also jus an hi and bye.).

and then listened 2 our CA talk. i think she seems 2 be a very nice person. after that went 2 listen 2 a SAF talk. our class was late. so we were all sitting at the stair ways.( i think is quite cool like we will punish. lol.) but we did move up 2 level 5 auditorium 2 hear the talk. but is like we sat 4 like less then 15 mins and the talk was over. hahax. luckily it ended fast. and we were dismissed.(and that the coolest part!!!)

went 2 buy uniform. guess who i saw. Ahmad. at first i tot he went back 2 secondary school 2 retake. so i was quite shock when i saw him. lol. and the Q was super long. and all the uniform r like out of stock.(sianx half way). saw Amanda too. so me, nandy, may, Amanda and Ahmad went together and take the same bus back home. (the macpherson secondary gang... lol.)

anyway, i really make a lot of new friends today. really thank God. and there's 1 more thing 2 thank and praise God. May's appeal 2 transfer 2 my biotec courses is successful. yes!!! so happy 4 her... hope that she's in my class.(at the same time can pei her.)

tml will be another tiring day. wonder what will happen tml..
okok.. today is enough things 2 worry adbt le. i better let tml worries itself ...


Sunday, April 13, 2008
finally able 2 wake up late today. always have 2 force myself 2 wake up early every morning. lucky not on Sunday morning. although i didn't reali wake up veri late. jus like 9.30am.(my mum calls and ask what i like 2 have 4 breakfast and was awake by that call.) at first i tot because of that call it jus make me so awake that i cannot continue sleeping le. but i still choose 2 lie on my bed till 10am. and the next moment i know is like 10.30am already.(wake up by the noise my dad makes as he, my mum and sister came home.)

went 2 sp with jero as she needs 2 get some stuff 4 her art. after that, we walk 2 church drinking bubble tea. i brought vanilla ice blended. and is like super sweet. cant stand the sweet at all. so end up throwing it away. the weather is super hot this afternoon and the ice in the bubble tea melted so fast...

CET class is like... ps Alan jus called us 2 fill up the survey form and after he prayed 4 the class and that it. i actually still looking forward in what he will going 2 teach us 4 the last lesson and the lesson notes. but.. didn't expect that i actually got none of it. still tot of going back 2 the class and asking him 4 notes after we left. still tot that next week still got CET class. but it's all over. (looking forward 4 the next CET term 2 start.)

since the class end so early, me n jero sat together and chat. but i felt a bit guilty because i left joseph alone, again. lol. but jero needs my company. (I'm sure he understand.) sometime i jus hope that i can spilt myself up into 2. not only 2 but many pieces. so that i can have enough time 2 do a lot of stuff and sparing it 2 my friends that needs my company... but is not possible. I'm not God. that can be at so many place at the same time. lol

today sermon is abdt strife. saying that the spirit of strife brings destruction 2 us.and we must resist it. strife provides an access 4 Satan 2 come in.
my life, of course, there is strife. and was reali struggling whether 2 go 2 the altar call not. struggling with pride. but..i keep telling myself that i should go. cos this altar call is 4 me, it applies 2 me. in the end i did plug up my courage 2 go. is super cold in the Audi, although i already wore a jacket, but i can still feel that my body is shivering and my knees too.

is not abdt whether is right or wrong.or whether they understand or not. but is abdt love. the love i have 4 God n the love that i should have 4 pple. jin yu.. Pls remember that... stop having strife with pple..(especially with your family.)

tml school start. and i feel so mixed feeling. heard that there is like 1 week orientation. felt sianx.i should have just spend that time studying or working k. somehow i jus feel dread 2 go 2 school. oh God, Pls help me!!!


Saturday, April 12, 2008
is raining cats n dogs...
I'm so glad that it actually was raining cats and dogs today. although it only rain abdt 1 or 2 hours, but it had jus decreased the numbers of customer. so i don have 2 do alot of preparing of food. although i had 2 mop the floor (something extra need 2 do every time it rains. cos the riders are all wet due 2 riding in the rain, walking in and out of the kitchen.) but i still prefer 2 mop the floor then 2 prepare food.

guess wad, i saw 3 cockroaches behind at the kitchen near the back door. i heard from other staff that there is alot of cockroaches behind. but never get a chance 2 see it. and they actually can fly(saw their wings).i think is due 2 the wet weather then they are like coming in. oh, so disgusting. lol.

time since 2 be moving very slow today. cos there is nothing much 2do. and the in-stock is like super slow. we're run out of popcorn chicken again. lucky i do not have 2 help up with the in-stock(is reali exhausting 2 do in-stock). cos by the time the in-stock come, is time 4 me 2 knock off from work.


2008 is such a busy year
i think this year is reali a very very busy year. i must reali manage my time properly. or i will find myself not enough time 2 do a lot of stuff.

and this is a list of things that i will be busy with this year:
1) my o level English and math revision
2) my tuition class 4 both subjects
3) my higher nitec course
4) my work(need 2 earn my tuition and school fees)
5) Hui's brother d&t projects
6) bring my mum in and out of hospital and ployclinic 4 appointments
8) reading books
9) spending time with friends
10) and of course, spending time with God

OK. i planned 2 get my time managed once i get my schedule from school. i reali hope 2 get everything done. and also hoping that there is still enough time 4 me 2 rest.

may God provides me with strength :D


Tuesday, April 8, 2008
anger? part 2
i was talking abdt anger that day. ok.. i have not finish. lol.

there is nothing wrong 2 be angry. but once anger had controlled you, then something is wrong. there is a lot of thing that will happen when anger controlled you. i will find myself scolding that person that make me angry or say something that i actually should not say, or some very hurtful words. therefore, I'm always trying not 2 get angry easily. reminding myself as and when needed.

or some may find themselves making rush decision or doing something that we ourselves clearly know is not right. worst... killing someone or even ourselves. so i think letting anger 2 control ourselves is like super dangerous.

relax:) there is always a way out of every situation.


haven been blogging 4 2days.. maybe I'm jus a bit too busy.. i was working today as usual. wake up @7.15am. rushed 2 work with my eyes that actually hardly open. but guess wad the bus is like super slow... waited abdt 15mins jus 4 the bus. almost fall asleep k. lucky my work place is not so far, jus need abdt 10mins 2 reach. but I'm late4 4 mins when I clock in. maybe is the clock in the computer is jus fast by 4 mins or more.

im so happy. cos is not very busy today n i love 2 work on Thurs n Tue(cos no in-stock, hahax!!). so i don have 2do a lot of stuff. my manager actually called me 2 go 2 the bank with another staff 2 collect coins. she handed me 1k 2 change 2 coins. sometime i reali wonder how she can trust me so much? or how do she know that whether im able 2 handle any problems that may arise later. i don know. mayb bcos i worked very long there already or I'm jus trustworthy. but i believe is bcos she's not feeling well again n that y she wants me 2 help her go n collect. anyway, those coins are not light k.

heard from li said that our RM is going 2 change at the end of this month. i did heard this news before from my supervisor, and I'm quite looking forward 2 working with a new RM(i hope it will not turn out 2 be a nightmare). but somehow or another i still feel a bit not bear 2 see my current RM leave. although i not reali like him very much bcos i once heard him saying 2 someone that he actually lead this store with a motto like this"i employ u is 2 solve my problem n is not 2 create problems 4 me." i felt quite upset hearing that. cos it jus showed that he actually don care or appreciate what we do 4 the store. some more he is a very favouritism type of pple. i reali don like him, but i will still miss him.

i always looking forward 2 knocking off from work. finally is 4pm n I'm ready 2go..


Monday, April 7, 2008
anger? i think is bcos we cant get wad we want
recently, i jus read this book. this potion actually talks abdt anger. it jus helped mi 2 noe more abdt angers.wad the book had said i tink it reali applies 2 my life. it say the reason 4 our anger is bcos we cant get wad we wants; leading 2 anger. after reflecting 4 awhile abdt the anger that i always had in my life, i tink it is reali true.

i always find myself filled with anger at work. cos pple jus don cooperate with me... hahax.. cant get them 2 cooperate ? eventually leading in stress, pressure, shouting, tots of quiting this jobs.. n so on.. or maybe got angry bcos my friends don get wad i say even if i repeated a donkey times. cant get them 2 understand? yups.. this reali applies 2 my life.

it oso explained wad is the purpose of God for him 2 create anger. it is 2 motivate us when we see things that is wrong, we would do wad was in our power 2 make them right. it is put in our genes 2 help change things that we noe God wants 2 change.

another reason i tink is; so that we will fear God and be obedience 2 him. this jus reminded me some of the scriptures in acts and the old testament abdt God showing his anger on his pple when they did not obey him. bang.. they drop dead.. although it reali scares me sometime. but i believe surely God have his reason 4 doing that.

i want 2 thank God that i have learnt something new abdt him today. this new concept of anger. :D


always been wanting 2 create a blog. n finally is done... nv noe it actually require so many stuff. anyway, i tink is quite troublesome. mayb bcos im jus nt a veri cmoputer person. mayb... but i will b looking forward 2 add post in it...

anyway, im reali weak in my language(both chinese n english) dat wad i tink. im jus nt veri veri pro.. jus in case u don understand wad i hav jus blog. so , jus wan 2 make it clear... lol.

wann 2noe my tots??my life?? lock on 2 my blog.. lol.. of coures i cant give comments on wad u tink of my life.. boring?.. ya.. mayb.. choice is urs 2decide 2 read it or nt. lol.

about me
Jade otherwise, Jinyu
16 November is the day

My blog, my rights. My thoughts, my life.
Love Jesus forever.
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